Bienvenida! Brindis del Exito
Bienvenida! Brindis del Exito
Ecuadorian music group
Ecuadorian music group
Ecuadorian music singers
Ecuadorian music singers
Ecuadorian flute
Ecuadorian flute
Discovery Building H.F. DeLuca Forum auditorium
Discovery Building H.F. DeLuca Forum auditorium
Brindis del Exito Happy Hour
Brindis del Exito Happy Hour
Event goers listen to the music
Event goers listen to the music
Bar service at event
Bar service at event
Networking at the event
Networking at the event
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Networking at the event
Networking at the event
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event goers pose for memorable photos
A group taking time to video the music group
A group taking time to video the music group
Ecuadorian music group
Ecuadorian music group
Event media
Event media
Observing the Ecuadorian music group
Observing the Ecuadorian music group
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Observing the Ecuadorian music group
Observing the Ecuadorian music group
Intense discussions at the event
Intense discussions at the event
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event networking and Happy Hour
Event networking and Happy Hour
Listening to the music
Listening to the music
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event networking
Event networking
Event networking opportunities
Event networking opportunities
Welcome committee
Welcome committee
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Ecudadorian music group in black-n-white
Ecudadorian music group in black-n-white
Event media
Event media
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Ecuadorian music group
Ecuadorian music group
Ecuadorian music group
Ecuadorian music group
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event goers pose for memorable photos
Event Happy Hour
Event Happy Hour
Ecuadorian music group
Ecuadorian music group
Photo opportunities
Photo opportunities